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Posted By Rhino on 01/13/14 - Bookmark Big Booty

Adam & Eve big booty videos on demand

Lets do some quick math here. As a big booty porn pervert you probably spend about $50 to $120 a month on your obsession. Looking at my own expenses it is like this: $15 a week in skin magazines, $50 a month in DVD’s and $60 in website subscriptions. That is $170 a month. Each month I tell myself I am not going to do it again, but then there I am. The harder I fight it the more I end up spending in the end.

Fed up with myself I decided to heed a friends advice and give the FyreTV video on demand service a try. It costs nothing to have an account, but you will have to pay to see videos from the various associated porn companies.

I have been a fan of Adam & Eve Video since I was a kid in college. My girlfriend at the time and I would order their stuff through the mail. We had a lot of kinky sex with the crazy stuff we ordered. She enjoyed getting tied up and made to suck my cock like a cum slut. So you can see why I would have a thing for A&E V!

The real cost savings comes in being able to access entire content packages from the various production companies. They have deals with hardcore companies like Adam & Eve, plus deals with softcore companies like Abby Winters. You pay about $30 a month to access their entire library or you can pay yearly to bring the price down to $5 or $8 a month.

After paying the monthly fee you can now access this porn anywhere you are in the world. I have used it to watch porn on my Uncle’s home theater system using his Apple TV box while he was out at work. This rocks!

So now I still spend about $15 a week on skin mags because I love them. But my access to every Adam and Eve video has brought my other two expenditures down to $30 a month. That is an $80 cost savings for me. Your mileage may vary.

Blogged Under: Big Booty,Multi-Site Pass
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Posted By Rhino on 12/12/13 - Bookmark Big Booty

Free booty videos on XNXX tube

What a freak of nature!

One look at this big bootylicious babe and my cock is ready to explode into her. How is it even possible? Why, God, why?

Can you just imagine the line to dance with this bitch in the clubs? Imagine having that fleshy ass rocking up against your cock. No time to be embarrassed about your hardon with this bitch around. Any guy without one is a guy that should be embarrassed. You’d have to be gay not to be pitching a pump tent in her presence.

Now thing about this: I found this free video on an XNXX tube site that allows you to watch all of the videos you want without even having to login. How does this place survive on the free model? Fuck if I know. I didn’t even graduate high school. Why do you think I make blogs for a living?

What I do know is that as far as free videos go these things are pretty sweet. Clarity is all over the spectrum with some amateur ones not doing so well and some professional ones looking like it is playing right off of a DVD.

There are categories covering every niche you can think of. Scroll to the bottom of the page to peruse them all. And for the love of all things holy, make sure to watch that booty video!

Blogged Under: Big Booty,Latin Booty
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Posted By Rhino on 11/29/13 - Bookmark Big Booty


I have some friends that hit the gym all fucking day long and I think it really fucks with their brains in a bad way. There is nothing wrong with bulking up and wanting to impress the ladies with your pecks, but while you are at the gym you have to realize those yoga pants wearing hussies are not the norm. While you might feel like an alpha male because those kinds of girls only want fit men they are really limiting you on the rest of the cards you could be playing.

And so I ask of you, is that a little too much chunk or not enough? Should they have air brushed her thighs or are you happy they didn’t?

For me I am happy to see her in all her glory. I don’t mind ruff edges here and there. It shows character. Hey, she had to sign off on these photos. She isn’t some stupid cunt that eats a salad when you are footing the bill. She is right there with you downing a hef and eating a stockyard steak butterflied with garlic bread and a baked potato with all of the trimmings.

I have dated way too many bitches that think  they are all that, but then you try to take them camping, or something else that isn’t girly, and they turn out to be a royal pain in the ass.

So I say, bring on the big booty!

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Posted By Rhino on 11/21/13 - Bookmark Big Booty

Thick booty honey taking a selfie

boo·ty call

noun informal

  1. a sexual invitation or rendezvous.

When you want sex and you want it now nothing beats getting a booty call and calling it a night. With a booty call you can be sans-pussy one minute and showering in pussy juice the next. Just about the only problem with finding them is most girls try to front and act all proper when we all know they want da cock just as much as we want da booty!

There are dozens of options for finding thick booty babes willing to fuck on the first date, or better yet, fuck with no date at all. Again problems arise though. How do you know what site is a scam and what site will get you hooked up with booty and laid in a flash?

Enter the bros at The site has the scoop on the best dating websites. It cuts through all of the fluff so you can get a straight up idea of what to expect. If you are truly daring you can join each of the sites they promote for free and then get ready for a massive Email bomb of sexy selfie pics like the one above. I actually got that last night!

Blogged Under: Big Booty,Ebony Booty
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Posted By Rhino on 11/12/13 - Bookmark Big Booty

Sexy KarenAngelina big booty lesbian cam tag team!

What? Did you really think guys were the only ones into big booty? Shit! Every time I date a girl with a huge booty and/or naturally large titties one thing is true with each of them. They all enjoyed the company of other girls that were equally stacked, or they broke off a piece for the girls that weren’t as well endowed.

But don’t get me wrong. These ladies aren’t only interested in ladies. They swing both ways so your chances of banging two of them at the same time are extremely high.

Figuring out how to find the best lesbian webcams isn’t hard to do. In fact, you have already done it. Now go and bang those lesbian booties before KarenAngelina think you aren’t interested!

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Posted By Rhino on 11/09/13 - Bookmark Big Booty


I love Latina chicks because they are so fucking nasty and they always pack a nice surprise. When this hot babe walked in the door she looked like your average Latina. Sure, she had a big booty, but it didn’t look as big and developed with her clothes on as it did with them off.

There are a lot of places you can go to watch free porn tube movies. The problem is a lot of them are illegal and a lot of porn companies are obtaining your IP address information from the service providers. Long story short, if you are watching free porn that is illegal, expect your name in the paper and a knock at the door from the cops.

So stick to watching legal porn on sites like Real GF Porn. They make deals with the producers to legally show their videos. It is similar to how a movie gets played on TV with commercials. We aren’t just talking about those porn clips most places have either. You can, and will, find plenty of full length big booty videos to watch there. I have seen videos that basically complete DVD’s!

As always, keep it wrapped until you know her parents, keep your cash in your front pocket and keep your porn viewing habits legal.

Blogged Under: Big Booty,Latin Booty
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Posted By Rhino on 11/07/13 - Bookmark Big Booty

Live Sex Chat With Juicy Asian Booty Babes

What is up with this girl and her juicy thick booty? Asian girls are a hit and miss proposition when it comes to booty. They either have it or they don’t. In this case SexyAsianFOX from Asian Webcam Chat has definitely got it!

This Asian chat girl is a little fire cracker. She has a full menu of breakfast, lunch, dinner and dessert when it comes to her smorgasbord of pleasure. You can get crazy with her; in fact, she demands it. She does not like lazy shows. Don’t even proposition her if you are willing to go to town with her.

Only one place can bring you this level of interaction when it comes to hardcore Asian chatsex shows. has thousands of hardcore Asian sexcam girls waiting for you. Don’t turn them down and never keep a sexy Asian lady waiting.

Blogged Under: Asian Booty,Big Booty
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Posted By Rhino on 10/29/13 - Bookmark Big Booty


How do you know if a girl is a fun fuck before you even hit the sack? Well, there are certain criteria you can look at from the makeup of her body to how she wears the makeup on her face. Once you clue yourself into these varying characteristics you can avoid the hassles of bringing a dumb cunt back to your place only to strikeout in the sack.

When I am looking for hot BBW girls to date I usually go with the curvaceous ones. Girls with a thick booty to be exact. They don’t have to have an apple figure to work for me, but they should at least have the shape of a pair. Another sure sign is a good whale tale. Some guys think they are nasty. I think they say, "Hey, look at me. I want to grind my steaming hot pussy on your cock so hard you are going to want to insure the fucking thing!"

Of course the problem is sometimes you don’t want to go out or are lacking the time to check out the bar scene. Don’t worry about that. I have you covered. You can find BBW cam girls on The site is always on so you won’t have a problem with those late night urges.

I can hear you already. But what about the not so apple sized girls? Yeah, I hear you. Why increase the insurance on your entire pelvis – in case that fat bitch breaks it – when you can just up the premiums on your fuck stick? For you there are other options on CamsShows. Try out the live sex chats with curvy babes instead. Now you are sitting pretty!

Blogged Under: Big Booty,Latin Booty
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Posted By Rhino on 10/17/13 - Bookmark Big Booty

Jada Stevens getting her big booty pounded with some big cock

It never ceases to amaze me when white boys get all bent out of shape because a white girl they know is getting pounded by some big black cock. I have yet to see a white kid tell me that when he grows up he wants to fly a little puddle jumper plane on short routes or command a mid-sized boat in the Navy. Hell no. They are always talking about wanting to fly a 747 or command an aircraft carrier. So why do they think their women would want to play with a smaller cock?

Jada Stevens didn’t grow her big ass to mammoth proportions so she could fill it with something that feels like a hot dog in a hallway. She wants that funky stuff the brothas are swinging around. With an ass like that she just might get it too!

For today she is just going to have to settle for a white bone that I have to say is of a pretty decent size. Find more of her lovely fat ass at Evil Angel. The only place where you can find all of your hottest crushes bouncing their thang-thang!

Blogged Under: Big Booty,Chubby Booty
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Posted By on 10/17/13 - Bookmark Big Booty
Gorgeous ladies on tits cams

View these milfs massaging their boobs on huge cocks. These lustful mature bitches would do just about everything for a guy that understands exactly how to fondle their particular enormous tits! After our colleagues persuaded them about their skills, these lustful whores jumped directly to their pants snakes, asking for a wonderful cum shot to their faces. Just on all of our website you could possibly get a hold of huge number of photos and videos with all type of huge breasted hoes. Browse through our archive to see the footages recorded by our especially designed big tits cam girls. We promise you can expect to have the time of your life viewing these milfs getting fucked by huge cocks!

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Posted By Rhino on 10/12/13 - Bookmark Big Booty


How do you know if a girl doesn’t have any experience when it comes to all things sexy? Usually when her ass hasn’t seen the light of day since she was a baby. But don’t get me wrong. I ain’t mad at her. It is just that if she is going to get any of the college guys she might want to let that thing out once in a while.

I found her at and they have plenty more where that big booty came from. While the site isn’t created around a chunky teen booty focus it does have plenty of them to enjoy.

Blogged Under: Big Booty,Chubby Booty
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Posted By Rhino on 10/09/13 - Bookmark Big Booty
Big ass cam girl Kitty Wilde Cam Girls Addict Has Big Ass Cam Girls

For me there are two things that are most important in this world. First is brunette hair. I hate blondes. I hate their squeaky voices. I hate their stupidity. I hate their Barbie sized boyish bodies with no ass. Which is why I search out a sexy brunette webcam first and foremost. Having a big ass is the second attribute in women that is most important to me. Strange considering I have a big booty blog, I know. So I spend a lot of time looking for big ass cam girls.

There is a third, previously unmentioned, thing that is important to me: efficiency. I like to get my rocks off quick without having to jump through hoops trying to find brunettes with big booty cams. So Kitty Wilde is my ticket to getting both at the same time. She is a babe in every definition of the word. You could even go as far as saying she is the walking definition of the word babe!

Cam Girls Addict is a great free tool anybody can use to find the best babe cams out there. They have blondes, brunettes, redheads and raven haired beauties. They also have girls of all shapes and sizes. I prefer the thick ones, but you can find boyish ones if that is your cup of tea.

Make you first and best source for nude cams!

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Posted By Rhino on 10/08/13 - Bookmark Big Booty


Can’t get out tonight? That is okay. You can still tap some onion booty on the best BBW videochat site!

Believe it or not there are hundreds of big booty babes from all corners of the world looking for some hot sexy chat. If you are a true player you just might be able to talk some of them out of their panties for free. The thrill of working a girl into a horny froth of pussy juice and unchained lust is almost too much.

With her juicy fat ass the unbelievably fuck-a-licious Star84xxx is looking for a big throbbing cock. You will be asking yourself how even God can pack so much jelly into one sandwich. Make sure to bring a bib because this BBW webcam babe is going to be dripping sauce all over your body.

And she is just the tip of the iceberg if you can believe that. There are plenty more plus sized webcam models for you to chat sex with. No waiting lines here, bro. Step right up and bang that heavenly butt!

Blogged Under: BBW Booty,Ebony Booty
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Posted By Rhino on 09/25/13 - Bookmark Big Booty

Cougar_Jullie Live Chat With Big Booty Honey

Cougar_Jullie fits into some many different niches you really can’t say she is just a MILF or a big booty live chat model. This phat booty hoe is dreamy as all fuck. Not only is her big ass wide, it doesn’t have a shitload of orange peel. Look at how smooth that skin of hers is!

Spend the evening watching curvy girls webcams for free on MegaCams. This is live chat sex on crack. No other site has such a large selection of big booty babes willing to have sex for gratuities. You don’t have to pay girls and they will still do anything you ask. It is kind of strange actually.

Start a live chat with a wide booty hoe right now!

Blogged Under: Big Booty,Chubby Booty
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Posted By Rhino on 09/24/13 - Bookmark Big Booty


Somewhere out there in the world there is a guy that probably doesn’t appreciate this girl and her naturally big booty enough. If I ever find them in a bar I will try my damndest to land her for an evening of booty worship. You can find more girls with thick back sides on Watch My GF. The site is always updating with new photos and videos of girls just being their beautiful selves.

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